Our firm over these years has gained experience and training in the resolution of disputes by ADR methods and contributed to the resolution of disputes/cases through all modes of ADR mechanisms including Arbitration, Mediation,  and Lok Adalats.

Arbitration is a field where our firm has extensive experience in representing clients, including  corporations, states or state entities, multinational corporations, investors and individuals in about 70-80 arbitration matters, which includes:

  • Pre-Litigation drafting of arbitral agreements and advisory on the same.
  • Representing in matters/Petitions relating to Section 9 and 11 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.
  • Filing and Defending Arbitration claims for on behalf of Companies, State-owned entities like PWD, Five Star Hotels before Arbitral Tribunals consisting of Retired Supreme court, High Court and District Judges, Engineers, and Renowned Advocates.
  • Representing clients in Objection/Appeal under  Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
  • Enforcement of Awards, including Foreign Awards, in India.
  • Mediation is also a niche of R.A. Law Co. as the partners of the firm are trained Mediators under the Mediation and Conciliation Committee of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and have successfully acted as Mediators in the District Courts, Delhi. The partners of the firm have vast experience in facilitating settlement of disputes through the Mediation process and have assisted in settlement of about 350 cases to date.


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